2023-24 Australian Federal Budget announcement

AMTA and the Australian mobile telecommunications industry welcomes the Federal Government’s budget announcement and the significant investments and initiatives to enhance digital connectivity across the nation.

Fostering digital inclusion is an essential component of achieving meaningful outcomes in education, employment, health, and social connectivity. By working together and developing initiatives that will address the unique needs of diverse Australians, including Indigenous Australians, we can create a more inclusive and digitally connected Australia.

In particular, the investment into a revamped five-year national skills agreement and fee-free TAFE training places for those in critical and emerging sectors will contribute to Australia remaining a leader in mobile telecommunications. We endorse the Government’s recognition of the importance of digital literacy and the commitment to ensuring Australians have access to essential digital skills and training.

AMTA also welcomes the establishment and funding of the SMS Sender ID Registry and is committed to working closely with the ACMA and other stakeholders to further improve the interception of scam text messages. Playing a proactive role in protecting consumers from scam messages is of high importance for Australia’s mobile carriers, and the industry will continue to invest in new technologies and capabilities to combat this growing threat.

Additionally, the Federal Government’s commitment to funding the cell broadcast National Messaging System (NMS) shows a proactive approach to enhancing Australia’s emergency preparedness and response capabilities. Swift and effective communication during emergencies can safeguard lives, and AMTA remains dedicated to facilitating ongoing dialogue and cooperation to ensure successful delivery. We also welcome the allocation of $15 million for the next round of the Mobile Network Hardening Program, demonstrating the Government’s recognition of the importance of enhancing the resilience and reliability of mobile networks, particularly in areas prone to natural disasters.

The Government’s commitment to investing in these important aspects of the mobile telecommunications sector will have far-reaching benefits for our economy, innovation, and social wellbeing, and AMTA fully endorses these encouraging investments.