5G – The natural choice for smart place connectivity
Across Australia, the number of smart city projects being undertaken by local government is growing. Local governments are increasingly developing smart places strategies and supporting projects to solve problems and improve the lives of their residents, and capability of their businesses. As their solutions rely on increased network capacity, faster download speeds, and lower latency, 5G will become a natural choice for smart place connectivity.
The Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) encourages councils and local government authorities to embrace 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) in projects across their local government area. Councils throughout Australia are focusing on using emerging technology to improve service delivery and engagement with residents.
AMTA and its members would be pleased to discuss how mobile networks, including 5G technology, can enable smart applications and IOT to the benefit of your council and community.
Check out our fact sheet 5G – Enabling Smart Cities, Smart Places and Smart Communities for further details.
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