Submissions to Government

AMTA has provided the following submissions to Government and Regulators:


AMTA Submission to WA Legislative Council Standing Committee for Public Administration 30 April 2024

AMTA Pre-budget submission 25 January 2024


Traceability Submission 31 August 2023

DCCEEW Reponse to Wired for Change 23 July 2023

AMTA response – Draft Five Year Spectrum Outlook 2023-28 final 12 May 2023


to State Planning office (TAS) 2022 SPP Review Stage 1   12 Aug 2022

to ACMA Draft Five Year Spectrum outlook 2022-2027  6 May 2022

to Treasury Improving the effectiveness of the consumer guarantee 11 Feb 2022


to Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee Regional Telecommunications Review 2021  30 Sep 2021

to Dept of Home Affairs on Strengthening Australia’s cyber security regulations and incentives 2 Sep 2021 ( CA/AMTA)

to Productivity Commission on Right to Repair – Draft Report  23 Jul 2021

to ACMA on 850/900 MHz Draft Auction Instruments 28 May 2021

to DoITRDC on Media Reform-Green Paper  23 May 2021

to Dept of PM & Cabinet Developing a digital Australia strategy  7 May 2021

to ACMA on Five Year Spectrum Outlook 2021-26   5 May 2021

to ACMA on RLAN use in the 5 GHz & 6GHz bands. 5 May 2021

to ACMA on Compliance priorities 2021-22  5 Mar 2021

to Productivity Commission on Right to Repair – Issues Paper   26 Feb 2021

Pre budget submission on Priorities for Australia’s mobile industry.  29 Jan 2021


to DoITRDC on Improving the telecommunications powers and immunities framework – September 2020

to ACMA on Five Year Spectrum Outlook 2020-24  25 June 2020


to House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts – Inquiry into 5G joint  AMTACA submission Nov 2019.

to DoCA – response to Regional Connectivity discussion paper, 9 Sept 2019 (with Commsalliance)

to ACMA on IFC 29/19, joint AMTACA submission Regulation of International Mobile Roaming -draft instruments, 9 Sept

to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Security and Intelligence on review of Identity Matching Bill 2019, 6 Sept

to ACMA on IFC 19/19, Area Wide Apparatus Licence proposal, 9 August

to DoCA – on Consumer Safeguards Review  – Part B,  18 Jan

to National Transport Commission – on AMTA Submission – Developing technology-neutral road rules for driver distraction. 14 Feb.

to ACMA on  IFC 45 2018 Class licensing for 5G Spectrum, 22 Feb.

to ACMA on IFC 4/19, Exemption to allow AFP Drones Jamming, 12 April.

to ACMA on Combating scams, a discussion paper on technological solutions, 10 May. (with Commsalliance)

to ACMA on IFC 10/19 submission on Five Year Spectrum Outlook 2019-23, 12 May.

to AMTA Submission to the ACMA – IFC 9 – 2019 Replanning of 28GHz, 21 May 2019.


to Dept of Home Affairs – Review of National arrangements for the protection and management of identity information – joint AMTA/CA submission

Liquid Fuel Emergency Act – joint submission with Communications Alliance

to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence & Security (PJCIS) – joint submission by Communications Alliance/AMTA/AIIA on the Encryption Bill 2018

to the ACCC – Review of the Facilities Access Code (Aug 2018 discussion paper)

to Department of Environment – Mobile Muster response on review of Product Stewardship Act

to the ACMA – consultation on the International Mobile Roaming Standard

to the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee (RTIRC), 2018 Review

to the Department of Communications and the Arts – Review of the eSafety Act (joint submission with Commsalliance)

to the ACMA – Five Year Spectrum Outlook (2018-22)

to the ACMA – 5.6 GHz

to the ACMA – 3.6 GHz

to the ACMA – Five Year Spectrum Outlook (2017-21)


Joint Industry Submission – AIIA/Communications Alliance/AMTA – to Department of Industry, Innovation & Science – Digital Economy Strategy, 30 Nov 2017

to Department of Communications and the Arts – joint submission on Radcomms Bill 2017 and Spectrum Reforms 28 July

to the ACMA – Supplementary Submission on Reconfiguring the 890-915/935-960 MHz Band

to the ACMA – Reconfiguring the 890-915/935-960 MHz Band

to the Reserve Bank of Australia on Dual Network Cards and Mobile Wallet Technology Feb 2017

to the ACMA on the Five Year Spectrum Outlook 2016-20 – AMTA/Communications Alliance joint submission 7 Feb 2017

to the Parliamentary Joint Commission on Intelligence and Security on the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (Telecommunications Sector Security Reform) Feb 2017 – joint submission with Communications Alliance, AIG and AIIA, 3 Feb 2017


Joint AMTA/Communications Alliance submission on Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill 2016

to Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters – joint AMTA/CA submission – Nov 2016

to Spectrum Review (DoCA)  – /files/AMTACA-Submission.pdf – joint AMTA/CA Submission on the Department’s Radcomms Bill 2016 Legislative Consultation paper.

to DoCA – Communications Accessibility: 2016 and beyond – 6 May 2016

to ACMA – supplementary submission – ” Beyond 2020 – Strategy for Mobile Broadband” – January 2016


to ACMA – in response to “Beyond 2020 – Strategy for Mobile Broadband” – Oct 2015

to Department of Communications – Review of the Australia Commmunicatons and Media Authority (ACMA) 19 August

to Attorney-General’s Department, AIG AIIA AMTA Communications Alliance Submission on TSSR – Exposure Draft Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015

to Regional Telecommunications Review, response to Issues Paper, 17 July 2015

to Productivity Commission – Public Safety Mobile Broadband – 12 June 2015

Spectrum Review – to DoC – letter to Secretary Drew Clark re Spectrum Review Report – 5 June 2015

to ICT Statistics Review –  Australian Bureau of Statistics and Department of Communications

to Spectrum Review (Department of Communications) – submission – 16 Feb 2015.